
Posts Tagged ‘Action’

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I take a look at the the DarkSpore beta and what’s going on with it! So far it seems like a lot of fun and I am really enjoying it. I hope you do too! 😀


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Darkspore Logo

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I take a look at the the DarkSpore beta and what’s going on with it! So far it seems like a lot of fun and I am really enjoying it. I hope you do too! 😀


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Darkspore Logo

Watch in HD! Remember to like it, favourite it, share it and subscribe! 😀

I take a look at the the DarkSpore beta and what’s going on with it! So far it seems like a lot of fun and I am really enjoying it. I hope you do too! 😀


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Darkspore Logo

Watch in HD! Remember to like it, favourite it, share it and subscribe! 😀

I take a look at the the DarkSpore beta and what’s going on with it! So far it seems like a lot of fun and I am really enjoying it. I hope you do too! 😀


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Darkspore Logo

Watch in HD! Remember to like it, favourite it, share it and subscribe! 😀

I take a look at the the DarkSpore beta and what’s going on with it! So far it seems like a lot of fun and I am really enjoying it. I hope you do too! 😀


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Darkspore Logo

Watch in HD! Remember to like it, favourite it, share it and subscribe! 😀

I take a look at the the DarkSpore beta and what’s going on with it! So far it seems like a lot of fun and I am really enjoying it. I hope you do too! 😀


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Darkspore Logo

Watch in HD! Remember to like it, favourite it, share it and subscribe! 😀

I take a look at the the DarkSpore beta and what’s going on with it! So far it seems like a lot of fun and I am really enjoying it. I hope you do too! 😀


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The new E3 Trailer for TERA, as the title says, promises much more action. The first true action MMO, actually. Those are some bold claims, claims I sure hope will become realities when we actually get our hands on this game. Almost all the hype about TERA has been about it’s combat and how different it is, how new an experience it will be. I guess I will let you be the judge! Are you keen to try TERA out? See the new E3 Trialer for TERA below.

It sure does have an Aion’ish feel about it, but who knows, it may well turn out to be a totally different game. Leave a comment if you have anything to say and check back here for more TERA news in the coming months!

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The eagerly awaited MMO TERA will “hack off a bloody big hunk of the MMO market“, says ex-Blizzard veteran Patrick Wyatt. I guess, being ex-Blizzard gives him certain insights other devs might not have. Lets just hope it hasn’t also made him a tad confident.

Patrick Wyatt was on the team that created Warcraft, wrote Diablo’s multiplayer code, built most of Battle.net and he later founded ArenaNet.(NCSoft) He recently joined the new publisher En Masse Entertainment to help them, and Bluehole Entertainment, work on their new baby TERA. 

“I think that TERA specifically has the potential to do more than carve a niche – I think it’s going to hack off a great big bloody hunk of the market, it’s got the eye-popping graphics needed to attract attention, but it doesn’t end there; the combat system is going to draw from some existing MMOs, but I also think we’ll pick up console gamers because of the more visceral, intense action. Ultimately, if we demonstrate that we can release a high-quality game and support it well, there’s plenty of space for us in the market without having to unseat anyone else.”
Says Wyatt

I guess we have heard all these bold claims before from various other developers. (AoC, WAR, Aion)  I would love to be surprised and have a great new MMO turn up, though, especially one that can compete with the likes of World Of Warcraft. You can see the full interview with Patrick Wyatt here. Personally, I am quite keen to give TERA try when it launches, I just hope it can hold my attention for longer than some other MMO’s. Check back here for more info on TERA in the days/weeks/months to come.

Mitarn TERA posts
TERA Official SiteNews via CVG.

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A few days ago Square Enix’s new baby Nier hit stores.  The trailers of the game, and there have been many, are kind of confusing. It doesn’s seem to conform to any set theme or rules and the characters and world make that pretty clear. From what I can tell, he is trying to save his daughter, there is a talking book that’s… giving him power and there are some scantily dressed girls fighting demons. Yeah, um, weird. I have yet to pick up a copy of the game as it’s not launched in South Africa yet, but I plan on getting it as soon as I can. (The list of games I want to try is just growing and growing)

I urge everyone to watch the trailers so that you may be sucked into the confusion aswell. (Black, white, black, white?)  Seriously though, they look quite good and being the only exposure I have had to the game, have successfully sold the game to me, soon at least, if that makes sense. Overall the game looks like it could be really fun, the combat looks interesting and fast paced, sort of Devil May Cry-ish and in some ways the game looks typical like Square Enix, with a Final Fantasy like story, where the focus is predominantly on the characters. (Just the way I like it) I can’t really review the game or anything like that untill I get my copy, this will have to do for now.

Just a sidenote for you – Apparently Nier has enjoyed incredible sucess in Japan. The Japanese gamers may be as confused by Nier as we are, but it seems like they (all) are answering their questions about the action-RPG firsthand, by purchasing it. The PS3 version of the game, Nier Replicant, was the best-selling title for the week of April 19-25, with 60,000 units sold in Japan alone, according to early estimate sales rankings. (Double that of the second title on the list)

Japanese Top 10 Software Sales (April 19 – 25):

  1. Nier Replicant (PS3) – 60,000 units
  2. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii) – 29,000 units
  3. Tokyo Mono Harashi: Karasu no Mori Gakuen Kitan (PSP) – 22,000 units
    via Joystiq

‘Continue reading’ to see the trailers. Although, I might have missed a few!


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